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Black Rose

Black Rose

Painted in the darkest hue
Exquisite and rare
Held by her dream and hope
In wind she swayed

I shall shine with the sun
And stay calm  under the moon
Rest shall my soul
And be born again

She sang to herself
day and night
Rest shall my soul
And be born again

Then again she went
Under the moonlit sky
Painted in the darkest hue
In wind she stood

Under the moonlit sky
he stood
But he cast not an eye
As he was a hue darker

She felt his hue
And saw him sway
She let him be
For he was to be born again

She inched closer 
And it was all perfect
They both were reborn
under the moonlit sky

Letter to self



I double check to see if this is you
So beautiful and strong
Going through all your phases
Head held high

Armed with love and kindness
The world tried to change you
And change you did
But for the better

You took all the hurt, embraced it
And created you, so hard to ignore
You know what you want
Unabashed and unapologetic

Had I known this is how you would make me in the future
I would have smiled through it all
But now that I have shed, and shed enough of me
I love seeing the me, being the new you.


I saw you standing across the length of the room
Staring, staring away
I couldn’t hold your stare, and looked away
Afraid that you’d pierce through my heart
I stood still not wanting to breathe you in
Afraid I might get intoxicated
But you looked, and looked and you knew
That all I was, was holding back from you
You turned to leave, and my heart skipped a beat
I stopped breathing, else I would have screamed
Asking you to stop, praying that you would
Hoping that you’d see that all I wanted was to be held by you
But you left thinking it would be for the better
And here I was looking down, and taking another broken piece
And hoping I’d be whole again.

On Self Love

How would you know if you are in love, he asked?

Her eyes smiled at his question, she blinked tucking away a strand of hair and adjusted herself on the edge of the chair, and got mentally ready to answer his question.

‘Love is effortless’ she shrugged ‘although you need to make an effort every day’ she continued thoughtfully.

‘it’s calming where you can be yourself, and the same time know that you being you, might hurt the person you love, so therein you mold your being to be empathetic of the one you love. You give more and expect less, because in giving, you are making certain to yourself that you are capable of loving someone fiercely. By expecting less, you are acknowledging the fact that your partner has his flaws. It’s a balance of understanding that no one is perfect and at times it takes two people to make a perfect life, each providing their set of skills based on their experiences’.

Satisfied she looked back at him and smiled, and inched closer and delicately held the handle of her cup.

He looked at her tiny nuances and absorbed all of those tiny creases that appeared on her nose while she spoke. That crinkle of her eyes. The way her lips moved, while she spoke, her constant nose jab to adjust her glasses.

‘But isn’t that a recipe to get hurt?’ he nudged her on.

‘Absolutely’, she smiled back.

‘Isn’t that life?’ she asked, raising her chin.

‘Isn’t love supposed to be devoid of hurt and also easier’ he asked matter of fact.

‘Aaah’ she exclaimed, gingerly placing down her cup, and pushing herself into the chair.

‘Love is the best teacher, you’d ever find, she teaches you everything you need to know about yourself. Your strengths and weakness, your resilience, your ego. How stubborn you are, how silly you can get. Everything. At the same time, it teaches you that every bruise you get on the way is going to heal in time. People you meet, will eventually teach you a lot but only if you are willing to learn’

‘But there is this person, you must never cease to love no matter what. Even if you forget at some point, you must always start over. No matter how busy you may get’

She looked over, knowing he would want to pipe in with an answer, ‘your parents?’ he asked looking at her for the answer.

‘No, I mean you must obviously not cease to love them’ she smiled, ‘I’m speaking about oneself. Never cease to  love yourself. We put ourselves through so much on a daily basis in terms of expectations, love, hurt. We never cease to stop and appreciate ourselves and say how amazing we are. We never compliment ourselves, we never give ourselves that unconditional love that we are so willing to give our partners. The moment we stop allowing ourselves to be taken for granted, and develop a loving relation with ourselves we automatically open ourselves to a more satisfying human experience. To be at that stage all we need is consciousness. That in my opinion is love at its finest. When you are in love with who you are, by embracing all your flaws and talent, you never allow anyone to make you doubt yourself. And a person like that would make you, you’.

‘That definitely sounds like a lot of work’, he exclaimed shrugging and looking away.

‘Well if you can’t take the time to love yourself, how would you make an effort to love someone else?’ she quipped with a knowing smile.

She waved for the bill, nodded saying she was done and exchanged pleasantries and walked away.

At times the only effort you should take is knowing when to walk away and walk away gracefully.

How to heal a broken heart

Hello there,

If you are reading this, we both know why you happened to chance on this page.

Breaking up with someone is ALWAYS hard. No matter how long you were dating, It is always going to be difficult. That heavy feeling in your chest, that lump in your throat, those fleeting memories that play in your head are all a package that comes along with a heart break.

I’m not going to tell you any different from the innumerable articles you may have read. Because as clichéd as they may sound, they are in fact the best thing to do. I went through a separation a year ago and I was grateful for the support I did have around me, however, there were times that I had to manage my emotions on my own. When I reflect back on those days, the below helped me a lot, and I hope it helps you too.


This 10 letter word has changed my entire perspective on life. Irrespective of whether you broke up or your partner broke up with you, acceptance of the situation is something that will help you heal faster.  Acceptance of the reason you two decided to move on in separate directions, acceptance of the fact that you’d have to do a lot of things by yourself, that you need to cherish those memories as memories and that THIS choice or situation is temporary and as my favorite quote goes “ This too shall pass” 


Acknowledge how you feel rather that suppressing it. It is completely alright to feel like you are a mess. It is alright if you feel like crying at the drop of a hat, if everything reminds you of your partner, if you want to socialize, if you don’t want to. Anything you feel like is alright, except harming yourself. YES, I would never ever want YOU to harm yourself just because something didn’t work out. 

Take the time to heal, learn and understand how you feel - anger, sadness, hurt, disappointment are all emotions that you would feel. Allow them, do not suppress any of it. Embrace them all, they make you more of you


Do take some time out for yourself and understand how you feel. Your feelings of hurt, anger, rejection, hatred is all valid. However, knowing how you feel is imperative for self-healing.  I don’t intend on encouraging to walk around like a mess owning your feelings. I purely intend on having you acknowledge and accept your feelings and comprehend why it didn’t work out and what you need in a relationship. 

The more you reflect on what makes you happy, and how  beneficial this is - the better you heal.


Take your own time to grieve. It need not be defined by another person. This was my biggest mistake. I forced myself to being busy and deprived myself of self-healing. I took the onus of being strong so my family and friends don’t worry much. But I ended up doing more harm than good for myself, and I realized that sooner than later. Grieve, till your soul heals. I feel the day you can tell your story without choking is when you have truly healed. And today, I’m so proud to say that not only have I healed, but I know what I want.

You can grieve for a day, a week, a month or even years. It's your emotion, don't let anyone decide or judge you for the time you took to move on. You know how you feel better than anyone else.


Indulge in an activity that makes you happy. It needn’t be something extraordinary, it can be as simple as writing or walking on the beach. For me, it was running. Running was (is) so therapeutic for me, that I continued it whenever I was stressed or felt low. Indulge in what makes you happy, or takes your mind off things. Keeping yourself busy is also extremely helpful, as it keeps your mind occupied. However, at the same time - don’t forget to heal your soul.

Apart from running, going to church helped me a lot. I always felt like I was recharging my soul for the week (as crazy as that may sound). I mentally visualized being happy and healed and today here I am, writing this down. 

Support System

Open up to your support system and not everyone. Learn to distinguish between people who want to listen to enjoy and gossip about your problems later and people who really care. I was luckily blessed with the latter, and once I did get everything out of my system I was at peace. Towards the end, I started listening to what I was saying and it indeed helped me realize how strong I was.

Certain people would listen only for their benefit or just 'to listen'. It annoys me even now, when people respond with "it's okay" or "chill".  I prefer not having deep intense conversations with people who respond to any given situation with rehearsed replies. 

Choose your circle wisely. 


I believe every relation teaches us something if we are willing to learn. Learn from your mistakes and analyse the why’s, what’s and how’s. They help you to better understand what you want out of your relations. This period, although it’s a period of hurt and anger will be your best teacher and will also help filter out and help get ‘your’ people.

You will emerge a better, stronger, empathetic individual who knows what he/she wants and believe you me, there's nothing more attractive than that.

I hope these help you to heal from what you are going through. It’s not going to be easy, but this journey is going to help you in ways you would have never imagined it will. Your heart will learn to love, you will learn to believe again, your endless tears will cease, you will laugh and Life will surprise you.

This comes from someone who has healed and is in love with life and herself all over again. And if I can do it, my love you too can. I wish you the best in this journey. Sending you loads of love and good vibes.

To love and endless amounts of love.

Much Love,

Solo Travel

My Solo Travel was nothing short of a soap series – it had all elements of drama, emotions, fear, relations, self-discovery, tears, laughter and loads of fun. As Rumi said, travel brings power and love back into your life. It does in ways that you wouldn’t be able to comprehend, but you’d be glad that you chose to do it.

For me this happened at the right time. I was going through a lot of self-healing, redefining my goals and trying to understand what I wanted from life. A part of me was always lost. Lost in emotions that were tightly wrapped around my inner eyes, which made me oblivious to a lot of things around me (Sorry for metaphors, I function better that way).

Being alone was a very scary prospect for me, before my travel. Today, I feel being single and responsible for my actions and decisions is a luxury that I used to always crave and desire.  I’m not propagating for singlehood at all. I know I will find my mine, but until then I need to find me and enjoy being me.
Going on a solo trip was the scariest decision of my life. I always admired people travelling solo and wondered how they did it. It must take a lot of courage to just travel by yourself. It must also mean that you enjoy your company so much, that you can actually travel alone.

I was staring at my screen which displayed my ticket to Tbilisi and all I had to do was to click and make the booking. I WAS SCARED. The unknown scared me so much that I was almost about to not go. I called my bestie, I just wanted her to egg me on to book my ticket (Yes I needed that push). She said exactly what I wanted to hear – BOOK THAT DAMN TICKET.  And so I did it. Step one was taken care of.

I zeroed down on Georgia, as my first travel destination for many reasons

I prepared my Itinerary on a daily basis for every single day. YES, every single day. Doing so made me confident that I knew what I was doing every day and also, it didn’t allow my mind to wander over possibilities of the 'what if’s and how’s'

I booked hostels on (not sponsored) as I didn’t have to make any upfront payment and that meant that my schedule was flexible. I love having an organized trip, but at the same time I wanted my trip to surprise me (yes, I can be difficult to understand, but I’m sure many of you get it). Check my Itinerary here

Research is so important when you are travelling. It’s important to know not everything but something (imp details) about the place you are visiting - Weather, Culture, language, transportation, and food habits.

I narrowed down places I wanted to visit in every region of Georgia and kept narrowing it further down to match a 10 day itinerary. And I had a perfect (or so I thought) travel plan. I was so glad my list changed drastically.

My Trip was all things unexpected and some just like I wanted to. I traveled like a local (loved every bit of that), visited markets to get fresh produce, ate what the locals ate, drank what they drank and it was just a surreal uplifting and enriching experience.

As an individual, who was dependent on a lot of factors – this trip made me reconsider a lot of ME. It helped me like nothing could. This is the therapy that we all do so badly need at times. And what comes out of this is a different person.

Everyone will have a different experience and a different take back, because all our chapters are written differently. If you are contemplating, like I was about that solo trip, believe me, call your bestie get that push and just go.  I believe that the place chooses you and not the other way around.

Georgia wasn’t on my list, it became mine after my endless research and it just kept popping up and I knew I had to go to Georgia.  Let your heart decide and trust me, it will be an experience that you will hold dear.

Oh and I did get lost a lot (but also, I have pathetic navigation skills). But the best part of getting lost was finding myself.

Take that trip. You will thank yourself you made that choice.

Loads of love and hugs.


Hi guys,

I'm not sure how many of you love reading my long essays, but I really do hope you read this till the very end. I was talking to an elderly colleague about depression , and he dismissed it off by saying how its 'fashionable' to be depressed. (yes, I know. It did make me angry too.). I didn't push his opinion away (it's always good to know what people think).

I feel telling something you know, is like repeating what you already know, but listening to someone else is learning something new (ironic, because i'm very talkative).

Coming back to the topic. His dismissal of depression as a fad really got me thinking as to why not many people were open to accepting that they were depressed in his time. I'm sure many faced other mental illness's. Either detected or never realized. That made me think how grateful I was to be a part of our world and a generation which is more open and welcoming to human emotions (at least majority of us are).

A lot of people, are talking about depression, anxiety, panic attacks and are making it seem very normal. Because it is. And if you know someone suffering from any mental illness, the best thing that you can do is to be with them and reassure them that it's going to be fine.

It's imperative to do so, no matter what your feelings are towards that person at that point of time. Because when any of this sets in, your person changes completely. They have to take care of what's going on in their mind first and also what they project. It's like having different voices in their head all talking at the same time. That is chaotic.

Some might be able to explain how they feel, some might not. But it's our responsibility to ensure that they are listened to, calmed and made to feel that they are valued, loved and respected.

Simple, kind words and gestures go a long way. It's so important to reiterate the value of small things. A call, a text, a hug, a kind word letting the person know how valued they are goes a long way.

Some people fight battles that you may know of . When you see them struggling, don't sympathize rather congratulate them on how far they have come, even though it's one tiny step. For them, that one word of encouragement will help them take all the other steps.

Today, we need to be more kind, more patient, more respectful and more Human than anything else.

People are more vulnerable than ever. Hold them close and love them fiercely.

Lots of love and warm hugs.



3 Happiness Habits

When we think of happiness, we usually think about our immediate needs. For example, what would make me happy right now, is to have salmon sushi, for you it may be that shoe/ makeup that you have been meaning to buy! The reality is that no matter how scrumptious that sushi may taste or how amazing having that bag/ shoe would make you feel. They are all short lived. We need to be happy in other aspects of life, and if we aren't all these moments are not going to fix how you feel deep inside.

Honestly, I'm no expert at happiness. I have my moments of void and a feeling of eternal mehness (I love being a neologism expert). But what I have understood in my quest is that (cheesy coming up) - No matter what, Happiness is a journey. And as individuals we need to be our own happy meters. Depending on someone to make you happy is beautiful, but that happiness as mentioned is short lived.

As a person, you need to find your own inner happiness. It could be anything (doesn't have to be some major rocket science). 

I want to share a part of my happiness journey with you, knowing that someone is going to benefit through this. No matter what you are going through, and how difficult it is - always remember - This too shall (and will) pass.

Disclaimer: This isn't a quick fix (anything instant is never long term)

----------------------------------------------------- Self Love -----------------------------------------------------

I can already feel your eyes rolling. But wait, read on. 

We always look for someone to love us, to make us feel whole, and to make us 'happy'. 

However, if you do not even love yourself for who you are and for your journey with all it's flaws and strengths, how can someone else? When two individuals come together, no matter what the relationship is - if you think you need the other person to complete you, you are beginning at the wrong foot. You are a complete individual, capable of doing things for yourself that make you happy. No matter what it is - choose yourself and your happiness in situations that make you feel like you are loosing  sense of yourself. 

Self love begins with an understanding and acceptance of who you are, just the way you are. The moment you do that, you will be on a different  level of exhilaration (it's addictive btw)

----------------------------------------------------- Practice Gratitude ------------------------------------------------

I cannot begin to tell you how much this has helped me grow as an individual. Gratitude also entails, not taking people, moments, relationship, memories, experiences for granted. I was in a particular life changing experience wherein I felt that I was at the receiving end of the worst possible. However, when I was placed in a similar situation with many other people going through the same, but at varying levels - I realized how lucky I was.

In other words, you need to be open to people around you and understand that we are all fighting our individual battles. But foremost, we should be grateful that we are alive to fight one. Everyday is a beautiful gift, embrace it and be ready for what life throws at you. I feel God will only give you what you can handle. 

If HE is taking you through troubled waters, it's only because your enemies can't swim.

P:S - When you wake up, take a deep breath or two and be grateful for a new day. 

----------------------------------------------------- Do things you love -----------------------------------------------

This is my favorite bit. If you have always wanted to do something but backed on excuses of how and time and etc. STOP, breathe and write down what you want, and how you can do it. All of us CAN take out time from our schedules to do what we Love, or always wanted to do/learn. All it takes is a first step and an effort.

And most importantly, surround yourself with people who love you for all your whimsical weirdness's and who wouldn't change it for the world. Those are your tribe. Love them hard and love yourself harder.

Remember, you will have days that you feel low and it's not always easy to be happy and find happiness when your mind is screaming away. But at those moments, I hope you have someone you can lean back on and talk to. If you are like me, and find it difficult to talk when you are low,  just write how you feel or find something as an alternative (I go for my long runs, or read a book, or pamper myself silly)

P:P:S - No matter what, believe in yourself, you are one of a kind and are AMAZING.

Lots of Love




She was a mirror of what she didn’t want to be
Holding her pain and tears, she became ice cold
To everyone around, she seemed normal
But she knew she was changing to someone she didn’t want to be
She grew quieter on the inside
And laughed loudly on the outside, to hush her demons
She knew she was breaking from within, but she held on
She knew she had strength and she made herself hold on to the pain
Little did she realize that the pieces she was holding onto
Were ripping her soul apart

She knew it was time – time to set her soul free
She was prepared to embrace her wounds
She was prepared to bare them out
She realized that her wounds would heal only if she accepted that she was hurt
She exhaled her pain through words that she had hidden
Her tears spoke more than she could express
And her wounds started healing

She let go of the very thing that hurt her, that chained her
That made her feel lonely and suffocated her from within
She was done with her brave front
She was ready to expose her vulnerability and fears
And in doing so, she grew stronger
She emerged as soon she embraced her weakness
As soon as she accepted her faults

She rose
She rose to realize that it’s alright to fall,
It’s alright to break
It’s alright to feel hurt and to be vulnerable
Because, it’s only when you are broken that the light passes through
And when it does – you Shine!


This article came into being post a conversation with a mom who was worried about the constant bullying her gorgeous (dark skinned) daughter was facing in school. She asked me to talk about my struggles of growing up dark skinned and how this has to stop. I did argue with her, stating that It's normal for kids to be teased at this age and that everyone goes through it. Post our conversation, I felt it was important to let people know my thoughts on the same.

Growing up as a dusky/dark skinned girl was not easy. Certain comments, taunts get ingrained in your system at an early age and at times it’s difficult to get over them. 

I grew up being called black forest cake and ‘kaali billi’ (black cat). If you had to ask me then what my favorite colors were, I would say black and white without thinking twice. I had decided back then that those are the only two colors that would suit my skin tone.

I was also teased by my elder siblings that I was adopted (haven’t we all heard that, lol) since I was dark skinned and neither of them were.

I was very shy (hard to believe for those who know me now), and didn’t have many friends (gosh, i do sound like an Ekta kapoor soap saga).  

But somehow, something changes about me post grade 10 (still a mystery). I vaguely remember standing in front of the mirror. My reflection screamed and pointed out all my strengths and flaws, and chided me for putting myself down (exaggerated as per my current mind, it should have been less dramatic). Post that, a new ME emerged from the cocoon I had built for myself. A cocoon with low self-esteem and a feeling that I wasn’t pretty enough. 

I strongly believe that every individual on this planet has the  will power to not be enveloped in societal pressures and to break free and embrace themselves. Let’s stop hiding behind the ‘I’m a VICTIM’ tag. 

Yes, society does throw fair skinned people at us and make us believe they are beautiful. But we fail to understand that irrespective of their skin color they are placed on a pedestal because of their sheer hard work, dedication and yes contacts.

As humans, we have a tendency to play Victim and blame society, media and other mediums for making us feel insignificant. I truly believe that if anyone can make you feel insignificant, less desirable, talent-less it’s YOU and YOU alone. Yes, I have been teased when I was a child, and I have also (shamelessly) teased another individual based on his/her height, skin color, or built. Haven’t you? Then stop being the Victim here. 

Let’s talk about matrimony columns now. Yes I also received my “fair” (pun intended) share of advertisements/calls which called for tall/short slim/medium built FAIR brides. Why blame those ads? Everyone has their own inkling of what their better half should be like. For some it’s physical appearance, for others it’s education, family, status etc. So why are we just pointing out the “FAIR” bit. That’s highly ‘unfair’. Our life is too short to fuss over trivial things like physical appearance, religion, economic status etc. 

Let’s all see each other as human beings and educate our younger generation on the same. Let them not feel insignificant because of their skin tone, their physical appearance, built etc. 

 Yes, we do LOOK at an individual first and then understand them, and appearance does matter. But let’s not solely be fooled by a person’s appearance. There is more to the book than it’s cover. 

Let’s all remember that at the end either fair or dark or anything in between you will either be eaten by maggots or burnt into ash. Neither will the maggots discriminate nor will the fire.

What will remain is how YOU lived, WHAT legacy you have left behind.

Celebrate and LOVE yourself!

P:S - I stepped away from black and white long back, and have added  colors in my life.